How to Maximize Online Reviews for Real Estate and Drive Hot Real Estate Leads to Your Front Door

February 28, 2017

Do you know how to maximize online reviews for real estate to drive hot leads to your business? Is your lead conversion ROI low and harming your business? Well, if you maximize your online reviews, you’ll never have a shortage of hot real estate leads. If you don’t believe us, just ask recent podcast guest Brandon Nelson.

Not only have Brandon’s stellar online reviews for real estate helped him grow his business for 10 years in row, they’ve taken nearly all the work out of generating hot leads. Now, when prospects contact Brandon, they’re already prepared to do business. Below, read how you can work toward generating these types of hot leads as well. For more detailed strategies and additional tips, listen to the complete podcast interview.

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Why Maximize Online Reviews for Real Estate?

A big part of Brandon’s lead generation strategy involves making previous reviews work for him. This ties in with the concept of social proof – a psychological phenomenon where people model their actions based on the actions of others. Essentially, people mimic others’ actions to increase their chances of a positive outcome.

If you take the time to think like a potential client, you’ll understand why it’s so important to maximize online reviews for real estate. When you want to hire someone to fix your car, for instance, you probably spend a fair amount of time reading reviews before reaching out to a repair shop. The reviews that hold the most weight are likely those written by people who own a vehicle of the same make and model as you.

Make Your Online Real Estate Reviews Work for You

With the car repair example in mind, do you understand how each review’s lead generation effectiveness is dependent on the prospect? If so, you’re on track toward converting more leads with less effort. The next step to converting leads from online reviews with less effort is getting more positive reviews – a topic we cover in the next section.

Once you have a significant number of positive reviews, start categorizing them to make them work for you. Reviews from first-time buyers, for instance, can all be lumped together. When another first-time buyer contacts you for more information, send them your reviews from other first-time buyers. Not only will doing this save you time and effort, it will be far more effective than a generic sales pitch.

A Surefire System to Maximize Online Reviews for Real Estate

Without enough positive reviews, you won’t generate hot leads effortlessly. So, now that you have a brief explanation of how to make your reviews work for you, we’d like to finish with some details on Brandon’s system for getting more positive reviews.

Brandon doesn’t recommend real estate agents hire a company to get reviews. His system is dependent on quality reviews, so he suggests providing 5-star service and politely asking for 5-star ratings at the end of each transaction. If someone was referred by a previous client and leaves a positive review, be sure to share this review with the person who sent them. Not only will this person be more likely to send you additional leads, they will be more likely to glamorize your services in a way that increases your chances of landing positive reviews.

If you want to learn more about maximizing online reviews to generate hot leads so you can avoid the hassles of telemarketing and door knocking, be sure to listen to the complete podcast interview with Brandon Nelson!

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