How to Run Real Estate Facebook Ads: Get the Complete Guide for Free

November 13, 2018

Real estate Facebook ads can be great for your business – when they’re done right. But when the targeting is off or the content isn’t compelling, Facebook ads can easily burn through your advertising budget without producing any new business.

So, what can you do to ensure that your advertising efforts on Facebook will generate quality leads?

Here’s what I recommend: start by listening to my interview with Real Estate Rockstar Dustin Fox. Dustin has had great success with Facebook advertising. In fact, it helped him hit a sales volume of $40 million while maintaining a profit margin of 73 percent.

After you’ve heard what Dustin has to say about real estate Facebook ads, read on for additional tips on running successful ad campaigns.

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Tips on Running Real Estate Facebook Ads

Target the Right Prospects

Recently, the targeting options for Facebook ads changed, taking away agents’ ability to send ads to homeowners, people who are likely to move, and more. However, there are still ways to target people who have an interest in buying or selling real estate.

Dustin does it by targeting people who have liked real-estate-related pages on Facebook. Zillow,, and Redfin are all easy examples of pages that quality prospects are likely to follow.

To target an even wider audience with your real estate Facebook ads, think about what current or hopeful homeowners in your area are interested in. Home furnishing stores like IKEA and Pottery Barn are usually good picks.

Create User-Friendly Landing Pages

An ugly, hard-to-use landing page can cause an otherwise awesome ad campaign to fail. You don’t want to put time, money, and effort toward real estate Facebook ads until you have attractive, user-friendly landing pages ready to collect prospects’ information.

For creating landing pages, Dustin recommends Listings to Leads – a platform made specifically for real estate marketing. With it, you can easily build landing pages to complement your ads. The best thing about them is that they collect information from prospects with the click of a button, not a long form.

Get Dustin’s Free Guide on Real Estate Facebook Ads

If you want even more information on running real estate Facebook ads after listening to Dustin Fox’s podcast interview, download his free guide from the Agent Success Toolbox.

The guide explains not only why Facebook ads are so powerful when done right, it details the best ways to run them effectively without spending tons of money.

Plus, the guide also gives an overview of the different types of Facebook ads that work best for generating real estate leads, including examples of ads for open houses, new listings, and more.

Take Rebus’ Facebook Ad Certification Course

When you’re ready to master all aspects of real estate advertising on Facebook, check out Rebus University’s Facebook Ad Certification Course. In addition to targeting, it offers instruction on each part of the ad creation process. By practicing the methods taught in the course, you can rest assured that your real estate Facebook ads will always be affordable to run and effective.

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