Stop Losing Listings: 5 Seller Concerns to Address on the Spot

August 15, 2017

Want to know how the best listing agents manage to get paperwork signed at each and every listing appointment? The answer has nothing to do with secret scripts or sneaky sales tactics. The best real estate agents win listings and clients by striving to understand prospects’ needs and addressing their concerns from the start.

Dean Graziosi, one of the most-watched business coaches in the world, recently made an appearance on Real Estate Rockstars to share some of the secrets behind his success with real estate sales. He explained exactly how he manages to land so many buyer and seller clients, including his strategy for addressing sellers’ most common concerns on the spot.

Read on to learn about 5 seller concerns you should be addressing at listing appointments to get paperwork signed. Hear all of Dean’s expert advice on selling and succeeding in the podcast below.

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5 Seller Concerns to Address on the Spot

Every seller is unique and each listing presentation should be approached slightly differently. Having said that, however, there are common seller concerns that you should always address on the spot to stop losing listings. Here are 5 common seller concerns you need to address:

  • There are better agents out there – It doesn’t matter how great of an agent you are; there’s always going to be someone who is better. However, if you make an honest effort to understand where clients are coming from and work to meet their specific needs, you can be the best agent for them.
  • You can’t get top dollar – More often than not, a client’s home is their most valuable asset. Understandably, they want to get top dollar for it when the time comes to sell. Help them understand that you will get them as much as possible and explain your pricing strategy thoroughly.
  • Your commission is too high – It seems like all sellers are concerned about paying listing agents’ commissions. Address this common concern by explaining exactly why you’re worth hiring and how your commission is split.
  • The house needs to be fixed up first – Many sellers are concerned that their homes aren’t ready to sell just yet. Overcome this concern by helping them decide which repairs are worth doing and referring quality contractors to get them done.
  • You don’t have enough reviews – If you haven’t had enough clients yet to leverage online reviews effectively, potential clients will likely be concerned. Address this by getting some great testimonials together so the clients you have had can sell others on your services.

Stop Losing Listings and Start Succeeding with More from Dean Graziosi

If you haven’t already read Dean’s bestselling real estate book, Be a Real Estate Millionaire, pick up a copy and learn more of his sales strategies so you can stop losing listings. Also, be sure to check out Dean’s official website for more information on his videos, books, and courses.

To learn more about effective salesmanship and finding success in real estate, listen to the complete podcast interview with Dean Graziosi.

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